A Book about Mutual Fund for Investing & achieving financial Goals
- Money Leaks is a book on personal finance. It is for anyone who wants to manage money effectively. It will help you to get financial freedom.
- 1 Page stock market plan is a book to learn investing in stock market. It teaches you value investing in indian stock market.
- 1 Page mutual fund plan will help you to learn and choose mutual fund accordingly.

The books about mutual funds by Ganesan Thiru helps you to find best mutual funds for investment and achieve your financial goals.
Asset size of Mutual fund has grown from 6.73 trillion Rupees in 2011 to 34.10 Trillion rupees in July 2021. It is about 5 fold increase in the span of 10 years. Participation level of Indians in Mutual fund is poor compared to any developed or developing nations. Reduced interest rates are forcing many of you to consider Mutual funds along with Mutual fund Sahi hai advertisements by AMFI.
Investing in mutual funds for beginners is covered in this book. Book will give you 3 step framework to Plan, Act & Achieve your financial Goals with mutual fund investments.
Once you have the PLAN you will know everything which needs to be done, then you need to ACT to take the next step of investing based on these details & then only Financial Freedom becomes possible for you with right moves and consistent investing. Mutual fund is one of the best investment tool to achieve all your financial goals.
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Are you Ready ?
This Book about Mutual Fund contains step by step chapter to find best Mutual Funds for investment

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