Grow your Money

This is a financial education and literacy course, to make you prudent and take smart decisions with your money and investments.

Topics covered in Grow your Money eLearning course

Introduction to Course - Welcome to "How to Grow Your Money ?" Course. This is the beginning of making money to work for you and grow to the levels you want in your life
Course Agenda - The important concepts which you need to know grow your money. Right from Happy Money, Money Leaks, Financial Goals, Risk Assessment, Products like Investment & Insurance are covered
Happy Money Concept - Are you receiving and giving happy money in life ? This is more important than just keep on making more money in life. Time to break your myths on making money with this concept
Happy Money Workbook - Take the print out and start writing in it by going through this video. Get the clarity on Happy Money in this Video Lesson

Sections covered in Grow your Money eLearning course

Financial Goals:

Financial Goals - 1 - Why Financial goals ? Can you achieve all your financial goals and why you should write them is discussed in detail
Financial Goals - 2 - Are you getting stopped while writing financial goals ? Overcoming your self doubts in achieving financial goals is discussed here
Financial Goals - workbook - Take the print out and start writing in it by going through this video. Get the clarity on Financial Goals in this Video Lesson. How many Financial goals you have written, share it in the comment section

Money Leaks:

Money leaks - 5 leaks exists in every one's life which stops you from growing your money. Know what are they and how to overcome them in your life.
Money Leaks - Workbook - Take the print out and start writing in it by going through this video. Get the clarity on Money Leaks in this Video Lesson. Where is money leaks happening in your life ? Did you find out ? Or do you need help in this, share it in the comment section

Risk Assessment:

Risk Assessment - What do you think about Risk in Investments ? Mostly it is due to fear of not knowing about investment products. Know how to overcome your understanding on risks.
Risk Assessment - Workbook Take the print out and start writing in it by going through this video. Get the clarity on Risk Assessment in this Video Lesson. What is your Risk taking ability, fill it up and share it in the comments


Assets Growing Asset vs Dieing asset - Which one you are holding ? Time to break your myths on assets in this video lesson
Assets - Workbook Take the print out and start writing in it by going through this video. Get the clarity on Assets in this Video Lesson. How many Growing assets you have in your life ? Is your assets growing ?

Investment & Insurance Products:

Products - Insurance You just need to take 4 important Insurance and rest all depends upon the need of the individual. Wrong investment can derail your financial goals
Products - Investments Investment is needed to be done based on your life and which will help you to achieve your financial goals. Choose the right investment products after going through this video lesson
Products - Workbook Take the print out and start writing in it by going through this video. Get the clarity on Products in this Video Lesson. Have you written the products you are holding in your life ? What is your view on those products ?

Review System:

Review System & Action Plan Review system is needed to review your investments, insurance coverages etc as life throws surprises every year
Review - Workbook Take the print out and start writing in it by going through this video. Get the clarity on Review & Action Plan in this Video Lesson. When are you going to review next and what is your Action plan for now ?

Smart Tools:

Tools - Money Dashboard Money Dashboard will help you in getting an overview on how is your Income and Expense in your life, Asset management, it is like a Balance sheet for your life which is simple to do with Google Excel as tool
Tools - How to Grow your Money This tool will help you to know your financial goals, Analyse the amount required for each goal and also prioritise your goals to invest
End Video - Thanks for taking time to complete this course lessons, What is your biggest takeaway from this course for you ? Will you share this with your friends and family members ?
Module 1 Introduction to Course
Unit 1 Introduction to Course  - Preview
Unit 2 DIY Financial Planning Course Intro  - Preview
Unit 3 Happy Money Concept
Unit 4 Happy Money Workbook
Module 2 Basics of Financial Goals
Unit 1 Financial Goals - 1
Unit 2 Financial Goals - 2
Unit 3 Financial Goals - Workbook
Module 3 Different Money leaks and how to arrest them
Unit 1 Money leaks
Unit 2 Money Leaks - Workbook
Module 4 Risk Assessment
Unit 1 Risk Assessment
Unit 2 Risk Assessment - Workbook
Module 5 Different types of Assets
Unit 1 Assets
Unit 2 Assets - Workbook
Module 6 Different kind of investments and Products
Unit 1 Products - Insurance
Unit 2 Products - Investments
Unit 3 Products - Workbook
Module 7 Review System
Unit 1 Review System & Action Plan
Unit 2 Review - Workbook
Module 8 Tools
Unit 1 Tools - Money Dashboard
Unit 2 Tools - How to Grow your Money
Unit 3 End Video
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